Hualien - Week 30 - Transfer 6 of 12

It is a new transfer, Folks! I am now on my sixth transfer as a missionary in Taiwan. Last week we were all certain that my companion, Sister Tu, was going to be assigned to train. Which would mean that I would be out of Hualian and moved somewhere else. But we were shocked (and excited) to find out that Sister Tu had become the new Sister Training Leader in Hualian and she was only basically moving her stuff to the next room over, switching beds and changing wards. Haha. So glad that even though she's leaving me, at least she isn't going too far away! And I get to stay in the Hualian 3rd ward with a new companion, Sister Jensen! She is on her tenth transfer out of twelve, she is from Mapleton, Utah, and her personality and demeanor remind me a lot of my cousin Corinne! She is also very positive and always sees the miracles. We have been so blessed with some wonderful investigators, so we're looking forward to a joyful transfer together.

We had a YSA board game activity on Saturday night that we hoped a lot of members and less active members would attend in order to strengthen each other, have a good time, and feel the Spirit. Sister Jensen and I were only there for about 45 minutes, but we played Werewolf while we were there. I love Werewolf but I'd never before played it in Chinese, so that was pretty fun. But it was funny because after the first round, I could tell that one of the members, Mark, was definitely a werewolf--he just wasn't very good at hiding it, hahaha. So I told everyone that I was pretty sure he was one of the werewolves, and they asked me why. I said "I don't know, I just have a feeling." And then they started joking about how it's because I'm a missionary that I have a feeling from the Holy Ghost, and He is telling me that Mark is a werewolf, so they should trust me because I'm a missionary. At the end of that round they all voted to eliminate Mark from the game. As he revealed his card he said with wide eyes, "Her Spiritual prompting was correct, I am a werewolf!!" 

The next round, the remaining werewolves killed me because they were afraid I would discover them all. 

Since it's another new beginning, I have been in the process of creating goals for myself and for our area. During personal study last week I read a talk called "Return and Receive" by M. Russell Ballard. He says a number of profound things, and I was particularly inspired by this, hey says, "A key to happiness lies in understanding what destinations truly matter--and then spending our time, effort, and attention on the things that constitute a sure way to arrive there." Wow, can we take a moment and appreciate that? I find that what he says is so true. As I have thought of something I want to accomplish and then created a plan in order to accomplish it, then really gone after my goal, I have found more purpose in my mission and more purpose in my life. Goals give you something to work for, a reason to jump out of bed and start going, a motivation to go ham and then revise your plans when things don't work out exactly as you hoped. And a cool thing is that  you can apply this to short term and long term and longest-term goals.

For example, I really really want to develop Christlike attributes while I am here so I can more effectively serve those around me. I want to forget myself and turn outward. As I was studying page 123 in Preach My Gospel in the Christlike Attributes chapter, I came across this sentence: "Changing to become Christlike requires exercising faith, repenting, keeping covenants, receiving an increased measure of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." I pondered that for a second and then realized that it is exactly the doctrine of Christ. The way to become more like Christ is to apply His gospel. Of course! With Christ I can become more like Him. He is the way. We can slowly but surely develop His qualities in this life, and by the end of it all we can be prepared to return to Heavenly Father's presence and stay there. All my questions, all that I have been learning all come back to one reason, one answer, one solution: Jesus Christ.

Elder Ballard says "I testify there is no greater goal in mortality than to live eternally with our Heavenly Parents and our beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. But it is more than just our goal—it is also Their goal. They have a perfect love for us, more powerful than we can even begin to comprehend. They are totally, completely, eternally aligned with us. We are Their work. Our glory is Their glory. More than anything else, They want us to come home—to return and receive eternal happiness in Their presence."

I invite you all to make some goals and then plan how you're going to achieve your goal. Then go after it! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Transfer six, LET'S GOOOO!! I love you all.
My new companion Sister Jensen and I...
 Last district meeting before transfers...

English class...


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