Hsinchu - Week 63 - High Faith and High Love

THE BEST THING EVER: we taught the Virginia Reel (thanks for sending the music, Mom) to our Advanced English class 高級班 last Wednesday and it was so much fun. Everyone LOVED it. They laughed and clapped and kicked their legs and slid with their partner down the long way set. They also quite enjoyed our discussion about dance. What relationship does dance have with culture? What influence does the type of music have on the type of dance? How can we use dance to express ourselves? For the spiritual share we showed a video called "The Music of the Gospel" and talked about how "the joy of the dance will only be experienced when we come to hear the music." What is the music? "The music of the gospel is the joyful spiritual feeling that comes from the Holy Ghost. It brings a change of heart."

I have attached below the video and the General Conference talk from which this quote derives. Go check them out!

Some other fun stuff happened this week. We went on exchanges with our 新竹三 Xinzhu 3 sisters and our 竹北 Zhubei sisters! They are so, so amazing. I saw lots of miracles with Sister Andersen on my exchange with her, and with Sister Spencer on my exchange with her! Sister Andersen and I rode to 香山 Xiangshan and taught a very prepared lady the message of the Restoration. Sister Andersen shared the first vision and the Spirit brought a peaceful stillness into the silent room. The woman set up to meet with the sisters again and came to church with her young daughter on Sunday!

Sister Spencer and I ran into a deaf woman while trying to visit a less active family, and it turns out she was the sister of another woman that we'd set up to meet with the previous week. She brought us up to meet with her sister. Pretty soon Sister Spencer was using her ASL and Chinese to try and communicate with them, and they started teaching us some Chinese sign language. And it warmed their hearts and we were all feeling happy and we showed them Book of Mormon, and now we are going to go back this week and teach them! I love my sisters and brothers in Taiwan so much. As we love them and share with them in a way that helps them understand, the Spirt will bear witness to them that what we share is true.

We sometimes sing at doorsteps or record ourselves singing. We have also been riding around town giving bananas and cards to everyone. Bananas of love will melt the hearts of less active members who have previously ignored us, we have faith! If they don't let us in the first time, we go back. We work with active members to set them up to meet with us. And we ask for referrals! FAITH IS IN THE DOING, not in the results, says President Peterson.

I keep hearing President's words in my ears when he called Sister Phillips and me a few weeks ago. He said "judge this transfer by how much you love these people." We are to continue to talk with everyone we can and set big goals and work to achieve them, but we must do it out of love. And I am praying and aching for more charity, seeking to develop it through Christlike service and watching my thoughts and actions. Sister Phillips and I are breaking down Moroni 7:45 and trying to apply parts of it every week. Last week was "charity suffererth long." This week, while still trying to build upon last week and work to develop longsuffering, we are focusing on the "charity is kind" part.

Moroni 7
45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

I invite you this week to do something to express your love to your family members, a friend, a neighbor, or someone you know who needs your help. Jesus Christ taught us the way to be happy and find peace, and that is through following His example, loving God and God's children. How blessed are we that every day we have many opportunities to do so!

I love you all and I hope you have a stellar week.


