Hsinchu - Week 68 - I stand all amazed

過年 Chinese New Year was so awesome. Since Sister Lyman is allergic to a lot of different foods, we were served a lot of rice, vegetables, and eggs. And meat. But I didn't eat the meat. No crazy foods and not a ton of pressure to finish everything on the table, so not too bad! I am so so 感恩 grateful to all the members who invited us into their homes or gave us tons of food and fruit and love.

The best part? Every day we participated in some of the most amazingly powerful spiritual member visits I've ever had on my mission. With some families we discussed and shared favorite scriptures and shared Joseph Smith's First Vision. With others we shared the story "He Took My Lickin For Me" and then bore testimony to one another about Jesus Christ and His Atonement and how He has influenced our lives. Then we sang "I Stand All Amazed" together and pondered on these words:

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me
confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me.
I tremble to know that for me He was crucified
That for me, a sinner, He suffered, He bled and died.

At the conclusion of the singing we invited one member of each family to say a prayer for us as we all knelt. We got to listen to people express their heartfelt gratitude and hear their voices choke up as they felt the love of God. We asked the members how they felt after the prayer and we got a variety of responses from happy to peaceful to warm to grateful to "I really feel the Spirit right now."

We felt it too.

And as we asked them who they knew that needs to feel these same feelings, who needs to feel the Spirit, they gave us names of their family members, neighbors, friends. More people that we can bless. Sister Lyman and I were so thankful and so overjoyed to see the members open up with a desire to give their loved ones a chance to receive the blessings of the restored gospel. We are looking forward to meeting with these friends.

Friends and family, I have a testimony that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I felt it time and time again this last week as we testified of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the scriptures, the power of prayer, and living prophets. We were so blessed to hear the beautiful testimonies and experiences of our members as well. I stand all amazed at how the gospel truly blesses individuals and families.

I invite you this week to share your testimony if the gospel with someone you love. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week!!

愛姐妹 Sista Love
