I'm here!

Hi Mom and Dad,

I arrived safe and sound. My host was really sweet and everyone is so welcoming. Seriously!! An elder already held a door open for me. How nice!

My teachers (McKenna Wright is one of them and she says HI!!!) are speaking only Chinese to me and it's freaking me out. But it sounds DANG cool. Like. I can't wait to speak it. 

Anyway, just letting you know I'm okay. Still a little teary. But very happy to be here.

I love you guys,

Sister Love
Alessia with her packed bags at home:

We ate lunch at Tucanos on our way to the MTC:
We drove into the parking structure and were greeted by a sister who has been in the MTC herself for 2 weeks. She served as Alessia's "host" for her first few minutes at the MTC:
 Sister Love walking away from the car with her host after hugs and goodbyes:

This last picture was taken by Hannah Haws, who was touring the MTC with her family when they unexpectedly saw Alessia exiting from her orientation meeting!


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