Final Week - Looking Forward

I find myself looking at this blank Samsung notes page and feeling unable to express in words how I feel as I contemplate what to write for my last letter of my mission in Taiwan.

I thought: should I write a list of the things I learned?
I thought: should I share a compilation of experiences?
I thought: should I just write one line and say see y'all soon?

And then I thought, I want to share with you all, for the last time as a missionary, my testimony of the restored gospel and of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I thought I knew this was all true before my mission, but now I KNOW it's true.

I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. He knows each of us by name. He answers our sincere and humble prayers. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for us. Jesus Chris is our Savior. Christ paid the price for our sins, died for us, then was resurrected after three days so we can all overcome death. And if we have faith in Christ, repent, are baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and endure to the end, we can receive forgiveness of sins and prepare to return to live with our Father in Heaven. I know repentance is real. It brings true peace. I know Joseph Smith is a true prophet who brought the fullness of Christ's gospel back to the earth. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know President Russel M. Nelson is the true prophet today. We are so blessed to be led by him as he is led by The Living Christ.

我知道神是我們很慈愛的天父. 祂認識我們,祂知道我們每一個人的名字。祂會回答我們真誠而謙卑的禱告。祂派遣祂的獨生子耶穌基督來為我們贖罪。耶穌基督是我們的救主,祂償付最的代價,頂死在十字架上然後三天後復活使我們大家能夠克服死亡。如果我們對耶穌基督有信心,悔改,接受洗禮,接受聖靈的恩賜,和持守到底,我們可以獲得罪的寬恕和準備好我們自己來回去神的身邊. 我知道悔改是一個真實的原則,透過悔改我們可以得到真正的平安。我知道約瑟斯密是一個真實的先知,祂將耶穌基督的福音以及所有的祝福帶回世上。我知道摩爾門經是神的話。我知道羅素·納爾遜會長是今日真實的的先知,我們被祝福他在帶領我們因為活著的基督正在帶領他。

I love God and I love His children so much. I am grateful I have had the chance day in and day out to share my testimony with my brothers and sisters everywhere we have found them. I have done my best to turn outward and give everything to the Lord for the past year and a half as one of His missionaries. I hope I made a difference for the people I met here. My mission has definitely made a difference in me. It's not over, though.

When I go home, I intend to continue to seek to align myself with God's will. I am so excited to come home and minister and go to the temple and do family history work and be a more active member of the church than I was when I left. Most importantly, I am excited to become a better and more faithful disciple of Christ. The future is bright.

For the last time, I want to write you all like this and tell you I LOVE MY MISSION IN TAIWAN. I love you all so much. God loves you too.

All my love,
Sister Love 愛姐妹
